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Happy New Year ❤️
Hey Florence,
I still can't believe that you are leaving us! It was a great pleasure to work with you...it was an awesome ride and I enjoyed every minute especially with regard to our joint fights for the digital transformation, the optimization of manor.ch and your tireless commitment towards the content and campaign management for the better!
You can be proud of what you have achieved during your 6 years journey at Manor. Even though we only had each other for 12 months, your successes together with your team such as the integration of Amplience, the complete content migration within a very short time, the smooth takeover and integration of the editorial content department, the set-up of the new content process and the Offer- and Promotion Areas project, your efforts regarding omnichannel readiness, your always "delivering on all campaigns" and many many more...
You were an important and always reliable cornerstone for me and I would like to personally thank you for all our experiences and for letting me learn during our time together. Be it professionally, technically or as a leader by challenging me and making myself a better leader.
Thank you as well for all your work dedication, motivation as well as your commitment you put into the company. It was always very motivating for me!
For your future I wish you professionally but especially of course privately all the best and success for all upcoming challenges !
CU Paul
Dear Florence,
I would like to thank you very much for your extraordinary commitment, your perseverance and your patience. You were a supporting pillar for the digital business at Manor, but also for your great team, which - like me - appreciates you very much. It is a great pity that you will be leaving us and I wish you all the best both privately and in a new professional challenge.
Florence Wonder Cheffin!!
You have been so far the best "Cheffin" I've ever had. 🥇 I really enjoyed working with you in a stimulating environment supporting personal creativity and respecting personal ideas. It is a sad moment for we all to see you go away and leave us 😭..... QUINDI 🤌 ....we would have all the reasons to be angry at you!! 😡 BUT we are actually happy for you and for your new adventure for which we wish you all the best! 💯 Do not forget us as we won't forget you!!! 💞
Dear Florence
Sadly, it’s time to say goodbye. I really appreciated working with you. You always had an ear, which i appreciated a lot, and always fought for our needs. Short: You are a great boss! I hope your new workplace still gives you this “special everyday” feeling! I wish you all the best,
Chère Florence,
Merci pour tout ce que t’as fait pour notre équipe et moi! C’était un grand plaisir de travailler avec toi, t’es un super Chef! Merci d’être toujours engagée pour nous et de nous avoir assuré les arrières (Rücken freihalten) tout le temps .Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer.
Je te souhaite le meilleur pour ton avenir professionnel et personnel et j’éspère qu’on garde le contact!
Top Cheffe Florence 👑
Chère Florence ✨
Merci pour ta bienveillance, ton écoute, ton soutien mais aussi pour ton authenticité et ton franc-parler, révélateurs de la passion et de l'engagement qui t'animent. Même si je regrette la courte durée de notre collaboration, je suis très reconnaissante d'avoir eu une pépite de cheffe comme toi. Plein de belles choses pour la suite! :)) 💐
My captain ⚓️
Dear Florence
Our time together was unfortunately very short.😢 I appreciated you very much as a boss and admired your way of leading the team. ✨⛴ You always had an open ear for our professional and private concerns. You are the anchor ⚓️ of the team and the bridge 🌉 between the different departments. I wish you only the best and much success for the future. 💛
Chère Florence,
Avoir pu travailler à tes cotés pendant ces 2 dernières années et demie a été un honneur! Ton écoute et ton dévouement pour ton équipe a été sans faille jusqu’à la fin.
Je te remercie également pour ta compréhension et patience lors de mes arrivées tardives suite à des interventions (fallait bien que je place une partie pompiers quelque part…🧑🚒🚒). Je dois aussi t’avouer que je suis heureux d’avoir pu te convertir à certains de mes goûts musicaux (aussi doux ou hard qu’ils puissent être 🎵💥).
Je ne te souhaite seulement que ton avenir rempli de challenges, de projets et de succès!
A bientôt!
My Sushi Partner 🍣
Ma Florence, malgré le temps que j’ai eu pour me préparer, je ne suis quand même pas prête à te voir partir.
Ton oreille attentive, ton soutien, ta franchise, tes conseils, encouragements, et tellement plus encore, font de toi une manager hors-pair qui va cruellement nous (me) manquer.
Mais en tout cas, sois sûre d’une chose, le Sushi (ou le resto) mensuel sera un must ! Et surtout, j’organiserai pour sûr cette sortie à Europa Park dont je parle depuis des années !
Merci encore de m’avoir fait cette si belle surprise la veille des fameux 30, c’était une belle façon de finir les 29, mais surtout un très beau souvenir que je garderai gravé ❤️️.
My dearest Florence 💖
I can’t believe the day has come that fast 😢🥀
I thank you for always having an open ear 👂 for me. My year was not easy and full of challenges, but you have always been there for me, and helped me make it through every situation. Thank you for your understanding, your help, your support!
It was a huge pleasure to work with you, it was a huge pleasure to meet you and It will be a huge pleasure to stay in contact with you! 🙏
I hope that you will love your new workplace, because you deserve it (even if it’s impossible to find such a cool team again in life as you had it here 😜). I wish you a little less of “special everyday” 😉 Please never change the way you are! I really hope, your new company is aware of how lucky they are for having you as part of their team (if not let me know, I will pass by 😤💪).
Love you, and wish you all the best!
Ps.: Never forget: la vie est dure sans confiture, so I wish you plenty of la confiture! 🍓🍒
Oggi ce il sole! 🌞
Dear Florence,
It is difficult to realize that you will no longer be part of our team, especially as the most important part. You were simply fantastic, I am forever grateful for what I was able to learn. organization is everything - anticipate - always be transparent - stay positive and don't get dragged down - always remain professional. I couldn't even give you half back, but I hope you won't forget the few italian words I learned you. Always remember, outside the sun is shining today - oggi ce il sole! I can only say thank you endlessly! 🧡
And for the joke...
All we want for Christmaaaaaaaaaas,
is (for) YOUUUUUU (to stay) !!